Fax #'s 229-524-8906 (unless ortherwise noted)
To Email any of the following people, click on the highlighted names.
Sheriff Jerry Godby
ext. 101
Chief Deputy / Investigator Dale Swanner (Left)
ext. 102
Investigator Heath Elliott (Right)
ext. 105
Executive Assistant
Tanna Harrison
Ext. 107
Deputies ext. 103
Sgt. Melvin Henry
Deputy Kevin Long
Deputy Frankie Lawson
Deputy Todd Kirkland
Deputy Hank Bagwell
Seminole County Probation
Deputy Sheriff assigned to County Probation Officer Carlton Scott
ext. 109
Fax# 229-524-6109
School Resource Officer
SRO Ray Brackin
You can contact him through the school
Seminole County Jail ext. 113
Fax# 229-524-8528
Jail Administrator Carey Moye (Left)
Detention Officers
Annie Pollard
Morris Speights
David Moseley
Billie Jo Dempsey
911 Communication
ext. 100 or 0
Fax # 229-524-8528
911 Coordinator Paula Whaley
Clara Robinson
Marvella Pitts
Chris Knight
Princess Manuel